Brief Synopsis: “Chronicles of A Broken Spirit”, is the surreal life journal entries from the life of a woman who encounters the highs and lows of marriage, divorce, careers, Christianity, parenthood and self identity.
Take a front row seat as Sherell Edwards captures the daily life experiences that inspired, shook, forever changed and molded one woman through many phases of life, while establishing a strong belief in the life and death of Jesus Christ and the principles of Christianity.
Not only, do you witness the change of identity but see the practical solutions to many of life’s challenges. Sherell captures, enlightens, inspires and encourages you through the struggles of a Spirit Broken and rebuilt again…
Take a front row seat as Sherell Edwards captures the daily life experiences that inspired, shook, forever changed and molded one woman through many phases of life, while establishing a strong belief in the life and death of Jesus Christ and the principles of Christianity.
Not only, do you witness the change of identity but see the practical solutions to many of life’s challenges. Sherell captures, enlightens, inspires and encourages you through the struggles of a Spirit Broken and rebuilt again…
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