Friday, April 30, 2010

Journal Writing: Helps us define our "WHY"

What is your why?

He who has a why to live can bear almost any how. -Friedrich Nietzsche

Finding your why is an important aspect in almost every decision that you make in your life. If you do not know the answer to the question, "Why" then you should not move on until you do. A lot of times we avoid learning our why, because it is painful, because it is difficult, but learning our why is imperative to making sure we are moving forward in a positive manner.
Too many times we go through life with no purpose or direction, never asking, "why?" This can create setbacks in our life if we do not answer the hard questions. Not asking why can cause us to spend too much money, or eat the wrong foods, study for the wrong career, take the wrong jobs, marry the wrong person, this can go on and on.
Asking why before we make important and crucial decisions will go far in helping us learn to be responsible for ourselves and our choices. Also knowing why can help us do what we need to do even when it is not easy.
Let me be the first to challenge anyone, who is not already doing so to write down the thoughts that come to mind when you ask yourself, "WHY". When we write these thoughts down and are able to return to them hours, days and even years later we understand what it was that motivated us to our destination. The journal is your personal record keeper of the thoughts, ideas, secrets, plans and ideologies that live inside us. Answer your "WHY" in your mind and in your journal.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Start an Accountability Journal

Journals serve more than one purpose. Below, 1 Year Millionaire Journey Strategists, Kim Crouch and Lisa Maria Carroll enlighten us as to how journaling helps us see our process and progress. The written journal gives us a written view of both and reminds us how to be successful.

Take Action Tuesday: Start An Accountability Journal
Posted: 20 Apr 2010 12:00 AM PDT

The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.Walt Disney

Journals are amazing things. When done right and honestly, they give us great insight into how we really feel, think and believe. They really teach us a lot about our self and they often serve as a vehicle of growth. Today, I’m encouraging you to begin keeping an accountability journal not only to record your achievements but also to measure your progress. The truth is over the years, I have come to realize that the difference between those who succeed and those who don’t is one thing: action. Many people say they really want success, but one of the reasons many people aren’t successful is because a gap exists between their actions and what they say they really want. Accountability is always the process that determines whether your words, thoughts and actions are in alignment. One way to know if you’re in alignment is to keep an accountability journal. This is a journal where you write down each day what actions you took in furtherance of your stated dreams or goals. If your journal is blank for a few days then you have got a problem because the truth is you should be doing at a minimum 1-3 actions each day that move you in the direction of goal achievement. This is why the journal is such a great tool because it’s an objective measure. If you’re honest with what you accomplish each day, you will be able to really see if you’re moving forward or standing still. And one thing I can assure you is nothing is ever accomplished by standing still so take action today to find out in which direction you’re headed.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Change your mind, Change your life...

I read that slogan somewhere. I don't know where, but it resonated with me. I realized that it is true. If we focus on negativity then we will be miserable no matter what is going on. I chalk it up to the sickness of "expectations". Now some people say expectations are a good thing, but in my way of thinking, having expectations are just another way to set yourself up for failure.
This is not to say that one should not have goals for themselves. Yes, have goals. Yes, have a plan. But, learn to be adaptable, and learn to never expect anything out of other people. I am not saying have "low" expectations. I am saying have no expectations. These two are very different ideas. Both are insulting to others. One puts people down and one puts them so far up on a pedestal that they cannot possibly live up to it. Both cause negative feelings and cloud your world in a way that sucks joy out of your life.
So, change your mind, and change your life by letting go of expectations and just living life as it is.

Author info:
Stephanie L. Watson is a Virtual Assistant, a Wife and Mom of four daughters who lives, loves and laughs in Huntsville, Alabama. You can learn more about her at Virtual Assistant Moms.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Waiting for Life

So many times we are waiting for life to begin. When I complete high school my life will begin. When I get that job my life will begin. When I finish college my life will begin. Life always begins after... at some point we have to accept that life is happening right now. Today is when life begins. I did not realize that until I turned 30. Thirty isn't really old in the scheme of life, so that is not why I spent the day crying. I spent the day crying because I finally realized that I was waiting for life to begin and I had been doing that all my life. That day I cried because I decided not to do that anymore. I decided that today is my life. It's the day I realized that life is ongoing and not a destination. I suppose it is something everyone finally learns at one point. I mean it's not like no one ever told me, or I never read that in a book, but I just never accepted it until that day.
That day everything changed. I stopped waiting for everyone around me to be the way I wanted them to be and I became the person I wanted to become. I just simply, let it all go, and I grew up. I became a woman in charge of her own life.

Author info:
Stephanie L. Watson is a Virtual Assistant, a Wife and Mom of four daughters who lives, loves and laughs in Huntsville, Alabama. You can learn more about her at Virtual Assistant Moms

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Memories of Journals

This week we have a guest blog from Stephanie L. Watson about her personal experience with journaling.

Memories of Journals
I have always been attracted to journaling. I kept journals long before I knew what it was, or why I was doing it. I was drawn to put my thoughts and actions to paper, and then at some point to put them in digital format.
Before I had a computer I kept a journal of my entire pregnancy with my oldest daughter, Becca. I wrote every single day, a diary of happenings, and then I expressed thoughts and feelings in between. The journal was lost in a move.
My husband was in the military and we lost an entire box of my journals among other things. I often wonder where they are. Sometimes I feel sad that I can't read them to my daughter but strangely happy that someone else might be enjoying them. I don't allow myself to think of what else could have happened to them.
My memories of the journal are much more accurate than my memories of parts of my life when I did not keep a journal. Even though I do not have the blue notebook to view, I can remember writing the words, and the feelings the words evoked. I was a very happy, fat and satisfied pregnant woman. I was only 19, yet I had been married two years, and this was a planned pregnancy. I think I was the only person happy about it.
I'm glad that I kept the journal because the love I had for my baby was so strong and overflowed through my fingers and onto the page so easily that it taught me joy in writing. A joy that I still have today. Had I not learned that excitement I would never have finally, in my 30's gone back to college, and in my 40's attend graduate school.
Journaling also helped me deal with my feelings and the sad issues in my life. I was in a bad marriage but was not yet accepting that it was bad. Writing it all down made me see the truth for what it was instead of what I wanted it to be. It also made me realize I did not want my daughter growing up that way.
Journaling essentially saved me.

Author info:
Stephanie L. Watson is a Virtual Assistant, a Wife and Mom of four daughters who lives, loves and laughs in Huntsville, Alabama. You can learn more about her at Virtual Assistant Moms