Monday, April 12, 2010

Waiting for Life

So many times we are waiting for life to begin. When I complete high school my life will begin. When I get that job my life will begin. When I finish college my life will begin. Life always begins after... at some point we have to accept that life is happening right now. Today is when life begins. I did not realize that until I turned 30. Thirty isn't really old in the scheme of life, so that is not why I spent the day crying. I spent the day crying because I finally realized that I was waiting for life to begin and I had been doing that all my life. That day I cried because I decided not to do that anymore. I decided that today is my life. It's the day I realized that life is ongoing and not a destination. I suppose it is something everyone finally learns at one point. I mean it's not like no one ever told me, or I never read that in a book, but I just never accepted it until that day.
That day everything changed. I stopped waiting for everyone around me to be the way I wanted them to be and I became the person I wanted to become. I just simply, let it all go, and I grew up. I became a woman in charge of her own life.

Author info:
Stephanie L. Watson is a Virtual Assistant, a Wife and Mom of four daughters who lives, loves and laughs in Huntsville, Alabama. You can learn more about her at Virtual Assistant Moms

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